Case Study: Being Blocked from Facebook Ads Was a Blessing
In-person photography was the ticket to rapid organic Facebook audience growth. Photo by

Case Study: Being Blocked from Facebook Ads Was a Blessing

The Challenge: Facebook Ads Were Not an Option.

Because my client’s dating app offered polyamory as a relationship preference, Facebook’s community guidelines prevented us from advertising on their platform.

The Solution: We Invented Organic Growth Methods.

To bring fresh faces into the community, we visited live events with a professional portrait photographer and offered to take free photos of groups and individuals for their profiles. Attendees gave their email address to receive a link to the Facebook album of profile photos watermarked with the company logo.

The Results: We Expanded the Facebook Community 20% each month.

Not only did we acquire 100-150 signups for our email address at each live event, Facebook users tagged themselves and their friends, increasing the audience organically by 20% each month.

Bonus: We Made a Meaningful First Contact

In addition to receiving a free profile photo, we also had brand ambassadors from our Community Builder program with the photographer sharing “connection cards” to create a positive first experience with the brand.

Alison Kawa

After earning a BFA focused on sculpture and painting, Alison taught herself how to code HTML and CSS. She translated this skill to email marketing, working her way up to becoming a well-rounded CRM marketer with experience in email, SMS, loyalty programs, push notifications, and direct mail. Along the way, she founded her own social media management startup and thrived as a freelance marketing strategist.
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